Technical advice: Keeping us on the cutting edge
By TED GANGI / Webmaster
I am charged with trying to help the membership keep up with ever-changing
technology and, in turn, helping you find tools that may help you do you
As we get set for the season, I thought I'd take up some space with a
little preseason checklist of things you might want to carry with you or
purchase for your use.
Since almost everything I do is done online, I'd like to think that I
have accumulated some expertise on just about any situation. So, without
further ado, here are my recommendation:
Battery-operated phone charger:
(Energi To Go) and others make this great
little device that runs on standard batteries. You simply plug it into your
cell phone and it charges your phone. Hey, there's nothing worse than a
dead cell phone in today's world.
Thumb drive: These handy little devices have gotten so cheap (around
$10 or less), they are now sold at the cashier at most office supply stores.
And, you don't need a 4 GB drive (unless you really feel compelled to spend
more than you need to). Generally, a 512 MB or 1 GB thumb drive will do
the trick as a place to store files and move them from one computer to another.
They come in really handy if you are trying to exchange files with a colleague
and cannot get online.
Blank CDs: Not as important, but it never hurts to have some in your
bag just in case you are having USB and e-mail issues at the same time.
External hard drive: Now that they are falling in price and size, go
get one and use. Store your personal and work files on it and backup your
important information on it. Most of all keep large files off your hard
drive when you can by storing them on an external. Laptop computers are
subject to so much vibration and handling and the more you save and delete
and save files on your internal hard drive, the more you risk a crash. Backing
up with an external saves you in all situations. And, electronics stores
are practically giving them away. Believe it or not, a 80-100 GB drive should
do, but the cost per gigabyte decreases as you go up in size.
If you haven't already checked out
SlingBox, trust me, you'll want to. |
SlingBox: This is man's greatest new invention. If you haven't seen it
in action, trust me. For around $150, you can sling your television to
your laptop or smartphone. In other words, you can watch television on your
laptop with any high-speed connection. Although I have encountered some
places (namely schools) where you are firewalled, you can watch the local
programming from your cable or satellite box or TiVo on your computer. While
traveling in New York, for example, I can watch the local Dallas news. Or,
I can watch a show or game that I have previously recorded. With no monthly
fees, it's the best $150 you will spend this year.
A web-based e-mail account (gmail, Yahoo!, AOL or Hotmail): This is a
must-have, especially if you depend on a secure business e-mail address.
No telling when you will have problems with connections, firewalls, you
name it. Having a free, web-based account allows you to communicate when
you have a corporate e-mail breakdown. And, it's easy to set up an account
in about five minutes.
Wireless mouse: Say goodbye to cords and that hand-cramping touchpad.
I bought the
Logitech Nano VX the other day with a USB transmitter that's
so small that you just leave it in all the time. It also comes with a nice
little carrying case. It's an inexpensive luxury (around $40 after rebate)
to have if you have to be at the keyboard all day writing and researching.
A great laptop bag: Check out the LapTrap from Shaun Jackson Design (
I have had this bag for several years and it's fantastic. It serves as a
sleeve in a messenger bag, but has room for CD's and cables and other accessories.
Shaun Jackson Design and Higher Ground Gear ( have
other models as well. So, give your freebies to the kids and drop a few
bucks on a great bag.
Since I am always looking for the next best thing in technology, look
for more product suggestions throughout the year. But, I do hope this helps
you get in gear for the season. See you in San Antonio!
Ted Gangi is the webmaster of the USBWA's official site,
He also runs, a media website for 56 schools in five
Division I football conferences. He is based in Dallas.